
Access important documents about your pension.

Newsletters and magazines

Scheme Newsletter
The newsletter for active, deferred and pensioner members of the Scheme.

PLUS magazine
The magazine for Yorkshire Bank pensioners.

Onward magazine
The magazine for Clydesdale Bank pensioners.


Member guides

Member retirement guide
Your comprehensive guide to retirement.

Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVC) investments guide
A guide to your AVC investments.

Scheme booklet
Your guide to the Scheme including the range of benefits you’re entitled to as a member, how your pension builds up and the options available to you at retirement.


Scheme documents and forms

Statement of Investment Principles (SIP) 
Details the Trustees' investment policy and what they hope to achieve from the investments they choose.

Implementation Statement
How the Scheme continues to follow and act on the principles outlined in the SIP.

Annual report and financial statement
The latest report and financial statement for the Scheme.

Climate Change Report
Details of how the Trustee monitors and manages climate related risks and opportunities.

Privacy notice
Our policy for how we gather, hold and use personal information.

Longevity swap update
More information about the longevity insurance contract which provides additional security for member benefits.

Expression of Wish form
Let the Trustees know who you'd like to receive any benefits payable in the event of your death.

Pensioners association membership application form
If you wish to join the Clydesdale Bank Pensioners Association.
